This fall I had high hopes that Eko and I would be able to visit a farm, hand/paw pick a few pumpkins and enjoy ourselves a hay ride. Unfortunately all the farms I called did not want a ninety-five pound dog that likes to chase things near their animals. I can’t imagine why…
My dismay was short lived because I found a farm-animal-free urban pumpkin patch where Eko was welcome to help sniff out the best pumpkins.
The Main Event, located on the North Side of Chicago, sells Chicago sports memorabilia, event tickets and…pumpkins. I’m not sure who came up with that business model, but I like it! Finding the perfect pumpkin is an art, so Eko and I took our time to carefully select our future jack-o-lanterns.

“Will, I can’t believe you are making me take this photo”
Eko was not happy to learn that the first rule of pumpkin picking is “No eating the merchandise”

Eko was also dismayed to learn that these were not dog bones

Eko had an ambitious sized choice for the pumpkin he wanted to take home…

But we ended up settling on something a bit more his size
We missed out on the farm, but we had a great time pumpkin picking city style. Next up? Carving our jack-o-lanterns! Anyone carved/seen any good pet-themed ones before?