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August 17, 2012

[VIDEO] Our Food Network Audition Tape

Martha Stewart, Guy Fieri and Rachel Ray better make some room at the table because there are some new master chefs in town.  Do we know how to “cook?” No. Do we know how to “follow instructions?”  No.  But we sure know how to have a good time. Check out
Martha Stewart, Guy Fieri and Rachel Ray better make some room at the table because there are some new master chefs in town.  Do we know how to “cook?” No. Do we know how to “follow instructions?”  No.  But we sure know how to have a good time. Check out our first attempt to make some homemade dog treats for Eko.  The recipe was so simple, even I couldn’t mess it up.
  Our adventure in the kitchen was also a bucket list item (#38 – Make homemade treats), and it rounded out a pretty solid week of trying new things.  Eko loves the treats, so this most definitely will not be our last foray into the culinary world.  Who knows, maybe after a bit more practice Eko and I can land prime time cooking show?  A dog can dream!

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