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May 29, 2020

We’re Still Here!

You know it’s been a while since you last post when a bunch of concerned emails start coming in. I’m just quarantined in an apartment with two small children and two Ridgebacks and the city has closed all playgrounds (human and dog) so can’t imagine why anyone would think things

You know it’s been a while since you last post when a bunch of concerned emails start coming in. I’m just quarantined in an apartment with two small children and two Ridgebacks and the city has closed all playgrounds (human and dog) so can’t imagine why anyone would think things aren’t peachy!

Yes, these are crazy times. Fortunately, children, Ridgebacks and myself all have a loose grip on reality to begin with. We’re healthy and finding moments of joy wherever we can. I’m grateful for that, and wishing the same for all of you! (The health and joy part, not the loose grip on reality part)

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