On cloudy days Eko would patiently wait for the sun to peak out…
And then stretch himself as close as he could to his favorite star. You can practically hear him saying “Awwww, YES!”
He also mastered curling himself just-so in order to maximize sunlight. I swear Eko is solar powered
*iEko – 87% – charging*
As we settle into our new place, Eko has played the part of Goldilocks, trying to find a new favorite spot that fits just right. I suspected it would be on the couch by the front windows.
So I couldn’t figure out why he chose the futon in the back room where there is only a single window
I couldn’t figure it out because it had been cloudy over the past few days. Then one sunny afternoon it all clicked.
“Wooo, new favorite spot, baby!”
I never should have doubted the little sundial. When we moved in he must have noticed the back room actually gets some of the best direct sunlight in the afternoon.
One happy pup
If you can look at all of these photos of Eko’s big yawns in the sun and not yawn yourself, you have more self-control than I do. He looks pretty comfy, I think I may just ask him to move over!