We know that little leg back there isn’t growing from the lump we got checked out. Let’s take a closer look
It’s Eko’s little pal, Riley!
My friend Rachel was out of town, so Eko and I watched Riley for the night. Riley was a bit anxious last time she stayed over, but the other night I was happy to see she was perfectly at home.
And perfectly comfortable in her new bed
When Eko wasn’t trying it out for himself, that is!
Eko also taught Riley the rule that in my apartment, dogs get two couch cushions each and I only get one
It was also fun to see how Eko and Riley are building a friendship and a level of comfort as they spend more time together. During our last sleep over the two kept to themselves on the couches, but this time they seemed quite content to cozy up.
I know Eko likes Riley because he doesn’t even give me that much space on the couch!
It was so much fun having another pup around for the day. The visit certainly added some fuel to the fire for wanting to look into getting Eko a little sibling!