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January 5, 2015

Sunny Winter Memories

We had a mild December weather-wise but I recently read an article which confirmed a dreary suspicion. In the last half of the month, Chicago experienced only thirty total minutes of sunshine. Ouch. We’re back in the thick of the gray to start the year here, but luckily in
We had a mild December weather-wise but I recently read an article which confirmed a dreary suspicion. In the last half of the month, Chicago experienced only thirty total minutes of sunshine. Ouch. We’re back in the thick of the gray to start the year here, but luckily in NJ we had the opportunity to soak up plenty of rays. 5.1

It’s always such a joy to watch the pups in action with the sun on their backs


One day I hope I can get these two a yard of their own to romp in


It wasn’t quite a white Christmas, but the pups didn’t seem to mind


Penny recharging her solar batteries


No matter the species, there’s no feeling like the warm sun on your face

It may be a couple months before we see much of the sun again, so I’m glad we have a few sunny memories to hold onto while we hibernate this winter.


They may not be bears, but these two can certainly sleep, snore and konk out with the best of them

Batteries are charged and holiday travel is behind us, so we’re ready for whatever 2015 brings. Here’s hoping for at least one good snowstorm, I can’t wait to see Penny play in the snow for the first time.

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