Eko had a very difficult time understanding that just because they were called the “Toy Group” didn’t mean that he could play with them
Backstage, Eko and I thought we were about to see three banditos hang from the gallows. Luckily, it turns out they were just getting brushed
Eko spent a solid ten minutes trying to figure out how these carpets learned how to bark
A Ridgeback has never won the NDS, but hey, a guy can dream!
I have found that football fans don’t like watching the parade, parade fans don’t like watching football, but EVERYONE can agree that they love watching the pups strut their stuff on the blue carpet. We couldn’t make it out for the NDS this year, so at 12 pm tomorrow Eko and I will be tuned into NBC to see some four legged friends take center stage.
Be sure to check it out! If you need a cheat sheet, here is a quick brush up guide
Happy Thanksgiving Eve. Tomorrow, Thanksgiving goes to the dogs!