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November 30, 2012

[VIDEO] Eko’s 80,000 New Friends

OK, that title is slightly misleading.  I didn’t have room to fit all the new friends Eko made during our trip to Notre Dame in one video.  But I did manage to squeeze in a lot!  Check out this quick, minute-long video of our day at Notre Dame from Eko’s
OK, that title is slightly misleading.  I didn’t have room to fit all the new friends Eko made during our trip to Notre Dame in one video.  But I did manage to squeeze in a lot!  Check out this quick, minute-long video of our day at Notre Dame from Eko’s point of view.  He was a big hit with the fans – wish I could bring him to Miami for the National Championship!
Hope everyone makes a new friend this weekend.  Have a good one!

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