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December 10, 2013

How To Turn Your Pet Into A Comic Book Character

I love art, but unfortunately my technical skills as an artist peaked somewhere around kindergarten.  Thanks to new technology though, I am not bound to draw stick figures for the rest of my life.  By happy accident I recently took a photo of Eko using a setting I wasn’t

I love art, but unfortunately my technical skills as an artist peaked somewhere around kindergarten.  Thanks to new technology though, I am not bound to draw stick figures for the rest of my life.  By happy accident I recently took a photo of Eko using a setting I wasn’t aware I had on my camera.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dog blog, adventure, dogs, chicago, marking our territory, petcentric

And the result was this a comic-book-style photograph

Of course, as soon as I saw the results I became trigger happy and shot about a dozen more photos of Eko as a comic book character.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dog blog, adventure, dogs, chicago, marking our territory, petcentric

I can’t paint, but my camera sure can

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dog blog, adventure, dogs, chicago, marking our territory, petcentric

It was a lot of fun to see Eko look like he jumped right off the page

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dog blog, adventure, dogs, chicago, marking our territory, petcentric

I think I might have to start writing a Detective Eko comic book series.  He’ll be a private-eye who specializes in cases where treats have gone missing

In a serendipitous bit of luck, I also heard about artist Katy Grierson through social media.  Every once in a while Katy will send out offers to do a quick cartoon sketch of your pet for around $10.  The timing was perfect and Katy did this fun drawing of Eko for me.

Rhodesian Ridgeback, dog blog, adventure, dogs, chicago, marking our territory, petcentric

Thanks Katy!

If you’re like me and will never be a “Katy,” don’t despair.  New apps make it easier than ever to style your pet photos.  “Comicbook!”  is one app (available for both iPhone/Android) that is worth looking into.  Many digital cameras have “comic” or “high contour” settings that also achieves a similar effect. Lastly, Lunapic is a free online tool where you can upload existing photos to and add a comic book filter.

Are the results a little gimmicky?  Of course, but that’s what makes them so fun!

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