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February 18, 2014

Life In A Snow Globe

Ever wonder what life would be like inside a snow globe? Me neither, but Mother Nature decided to show us anyway.  A swirling snow descended on Chicago yesterday, so our afternoon walk became an afternoon arctic expedition. After just a few minutes

Ever wonder what life would be like inside a snow globe? Me neither, but Mother Nature decided to show us anyway.  A swirling snow descended on Chicago yesterday, so our afternoon walk became an afternoon arctic expedition.

After just a few minutes outside Eko and I were both blanketed in snow

The snow caused a near white out, which for a time was beautiful

But then it just got ridiculous

We snapped one last photo and then quickly packed up.  If we stayed out any longer I think I might have lost Eko

And then with a hop, skip and a jump we headed home

I don’t know about you, but this winter is starting to feel a lot like the scene from Forest Gump where Forest lists all the rain he’s seen.  Replace “rain” with “snow” and that’s basically what we’re dealing with here.

Welcome to Chicago

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. But this winter you can be sure whatever you get includes snow!

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